Oh what a tangled web we weave...

DBKP has learned that the man who accused Senator Barack Obama of illicit gay sex and illegal drugs during two incidents back in 1999 Chicago hit on commentors for cash at his Youtube site.

DBKP found comments posted at Youtube beneath the video posted last month by Sinclair. The comments from Sinclair were posted three days ago, at night, and showed a far, far different side of "Larry."

Larry's Youtube Video, "Obama's Limo Sex and Drug Party"

The video portrays an rather "earnest" Larry Sinclair who just wanted everyone to know how "Senator Obama" had lied about his previous drug use. Yet during one round of comments Sinclair showed another side, a frustrated and angry Sinclair who solicited money from the other visitors who were currently commenting on the video's thread.

We copied some of Larry's posts that he directed at other visitors and also the "deal" he laid out to "double your money" if anyone helped him "stay a few more nights in Los Angeles".

Note: These comments occurred after Sinclair submitted to two polygraphs over at Whitehouse.com but before the results were released to the public, that Larry had been found to be "deceptive" in both tests.

The tabloid, the Globe, had just released its latest issue where they claimed Sinclair was a 46-year-old ex-con who had served time in several states for credit card fraud, they also claim Sinclair had admitted to being a dope smuggler and a "coyote", someone who helped illegals into the country from Mexico, usually for a large fee. The Globe story also claimed Sinclair "had less than a year to live" that he had some sort of brain tumor.

We don't have a link to the Globe's story because we're too cheap to get their online subscription. But we found the Obama-Larry Sinclair story in their latest issue.

Sinclair has been posting under the username, LarrySinclair0926, since he placed his video on Youtube.

This was the scenario when Sinclair posted on the Youtube thread. The polygraph tests were taken but the results not published while the Globe story had just been released. The persons posting on the thread, were for the most part, Larry's fans, who believed his story about Obama to be true.

LarrySinclair 0926 (3 days ago)
I will not post anything concerning my health here or anywhere else. I will not because it is not the issue and I assure you that the Globe has been given an ear full for even eluding to my personal medical information. This story is to be on the merits and the facts about Obama's past. Not my health.

LarrySinclair 0926 (3 days ago)
Polygraph was in fact done today out of security concerns. See whitehouse dot com

LarrySinclair 0926 (3 days ago)
No, a second indepndent expert is doing what was explained to me as a blind analysis of the charts. The results will not even be provided to us until Monday at the earliest.

-WRONG!1 is an interview for informational& posting purposes,1 is this video & the third makes fun of media& B.O.Nice try,but you'll have to do WAY better.And at the time of your last post,I had more than 5 favorites.Again, TRY TO KEEP UP!

-I shouldn't take a Pres candidate's potential lying and drug using seriuosly?
And you have more ill will toward me than I do toward Obama.Or do you not remember your numerous namecalling and other remarks?

-Are you or my father running for Pres?
FUCK YOU PUK, you want part of me I am at the HILTON Checkers Hotel. Bring your bad ass on over and get carried away in a fucking body bag bitch.
Larry Sinclair0926
I am so sick of every boy trying to use me to further their cause. This is and always has been about nothing more than Obama lying about the extent of his use of cocane and more specifically CRACK cocaine, the use and the sale there of. PERIOD

I did take the polygarpg, it was the most uncofrotable 4= hours I have ever spent in my life. I stopped taking my medication for a week so no one could say I was under the influence of medication to beat it. I am trying to stay herr for three or four day more to get this out in the MSM here but it will depend on whether I can cash the whitehouse dot com check here to pay for my extended stay. I am telling anyone who believes in me, you help me stay here until monday to get continued......

this story out on the MSM i will return to you any assistance you provide two fold. I do not care about the money, I care about getting this story in the MSM media before it is to late. So i tell all my supporters I have $15000 to repay ytou for helping me stay here where I have a better chane to get this out in the MSM media. Anyone willing to help me email me to youtube email box now. I signed my first autograph tonight.

If I do not receive solid committments tonight I will be on my way back to Duluth tomorrow at 9:30 PST.

Are you actually asking Youtube posters for money?! That's messed up man.

Hey youngster, I am putting up double out of $20,000.00 to any supporter that wants this in the MSM now. Nothing personal, but you have a problem with that let me know and I will meet you tonight anywhere in california you ant nme to. I am fucking sick of of the shit you and others have sent my way and I am ready to fight you face to fucking face. If you do not have the balls, then be the bitch you are and get the fuck off my youtube page.

People may be more willing to help if we knew the results of the lie detector test.

LMFAO! Larry, just get some sleep dude. If you want to ask people for money or to help finance your quest to get your story in the MSM, that's your business. I don't have a problem with it. It just sounded strange. You're a big fella but a bit too old and I'd wager unskilled to fight me.

Larry calm down man. You're not making a good case for your sanity. If what he says is not true that's wrong of him but challenging people to fights on the internet makes you look like a lunatic.

Don't get out of control. Just sleep it off.

What?? i'm giving up!!! you're a certified mad man, for real. You're asking strangers on youtube for" money"? Larry, please go see a phsyciatrist--you need some help.

No I am asking my supporters to elp me stay here and get this in the MSM and I am willing to double their investment into this story up to $20,000.00. I am mad as hell, I am sick of you little fucking internet warriors that talk shit and I am telling each and everyone of you warriors stand up to me face to face toe to toe and get beat down like the little gutless bitches you are. You have a problem with that the FUCK YOU PUNKS.
Larry!!..it sounds like your becoming real angry and agitated!! please go to the hospital and get the help that you desperately need. Only a mad man get angry over other peoples hard earned cash.

You go to the fucking hospital you fucking gutless bitch. I am angry because you gutlutless punks talk all this shit and don't have the balls to say who you are or where you are. Fuck you, you have a problem with me I am at XXX Wilshire Blvd Rm XXX, Los Angels, CA. 213-XXX-0000 Until you have the balls and guts to say this shit to my face go fuck your mama punk ass bitch.
Don....I told he guys he was a fucking Schizo!!! I'm sorry I know Larry has been through a stressful time but this is funny as hell! I'm cracking up as I type!

Fuck yo youngster, I am as sane as you. I am just calling out all you fucking internet warriors. Put up or shut up you little bitch. And I am not a schizo, and I have a world reknown psych to back me on this.
writerjoe you talk like you have balls, tell me where you are I will come to you, or are u the bitch I think you are? Yes I told you where I am at and the fucking phone number. Punk ass bitches will call in your threats, motherfuckers with balls will meet me face to face. And I bet not one will.

Don't talk shit bitches, put or shut up. I am sick of all you fuckingpunks talking shit behind screen names. Get some fucking balls or get the fuck off my youtube page.

Larry, if it is really you don't answer them; they are baiting you. These people who are allegedly liberals, allegedly Democrats and Obama supporters, who are SUPPOSED to be caring, compassionate people, have shown that they are little more than rats who would cannibalize their own kind at the first show of weakness. All you are doing, Larry, is trying to help the American people. These gay-bashers and hypocrites are detestable human beings. As Democrats they ought to APPRECIATE you!

At least you know it is me. Call me at XXX-624-0000 x207 please
I am so dazed and confused now. Felt like I am going to throw up. Is this a bad joke?

This cover up is huge.........

AGAIN......What mental institution was Larry at in 1999?? Nobody has given an answer.

Why hasn't OBAMA filed a slander suit yet???

Larry would never disclose info. about the case he is putting together, for all you know........the limo driver could be with Larry as we speak.........

Nobody has given an answer because they are a bunch of lying sacks of shit.

Degad, Obama is ignoring it. As he should. If the limo driver comes forward, Obama would step down. Until then, he'll paint Larry as delusional. It's just they way it works.

I have given up the driver. You gutless punk bitch motheerfucker.
By the way.......Larry's youtube account has been hacked......he's NEVER used such profanity online, and he would never challenge someone to E-Fight.......I mean the guy alledges the secret service made DEATH THREATS towards him, and then he's gonna post his # and his addy.....they'd get him right now.

C'mon..........Obama is nervious......

I have never claimed the secret service has made death threats against me.

Larry, what did you mean you gave the limo driver? You gave the media his name? Or you gave up on him?

Amen to what Angel says. These Obama kids mean nothing. Larry, take care of yourself right now. The idiots on here playing armchair psychologist need to get over themselves and try to think about what the party of compassion stands for.

Your story will break the MSM next week.

Please call me so

Larry Sinclair0926
Please call me so I can go to sleep
Larry what happened tonight? Are you getting the impression the main stream media won't run with the story even though you passed the test?

The Don6565
Goodnight, Larry.

I am not going to sleep until you answr the message I sent you.


Did he give you his actual name when you met him back in 1999?

The following is a gift to all in a "pay it forward" dedicated to thedon, the name of the driver for 5 star limo service is P. Multani.

I'm going back to bed. I must say this story has been interesting. I'm sure that the fun has just begun.

I think the world of you, I defend your right to comment and I tell people to back off from attacks against you. I do not wish you any ill but you really do need to cosider the words of Lincoln, "think before you speak".
Did he say "call me Barry," or did he give you a completely different name back in 1999?

fuck it, I am staying here in la today even if I go to jail for not having the cash to cover the room or whatever.

Unfortunately, polygraph results can neither confirm or disconfirm Larry Sinclair's allegations against Barack Obama, as explained in our (AntiPolygraph's) latest video posting.

fuck you too!!!!!


For the Truth about Polygraphs search Youtube for the vid: "Michael Shermer Tests the Polygraph"

Also go to the Wikipedia article on Polygraph and read the segment titled "Reliability".

Youngster, do not make me take you down over this BS. Wait til you see my polygraph video and try to refute it. You will be embarrassed to silence

He throws one anti-polygraph "expert" out there, and then when I show a video of that "expert" getting slammed by Bruce Burgess, now he throws up some other ham & egger. It's over Mystic. It's time to find a new hero.


EH the second expert reviewing mine is Gordon (something) in Salt Lake City that is the foremost expert on the attempted use of counter measures. My examiner stated to me yesterday I would be happy to know there are not signs of attempts to use counter measures in my polygraph.
Would that be Gordon H. Barland, perchance?

These dopes are claiming that with the proper EXPERT training you can beat a POLYGRAPH.

Do you think Larry would even know how to train to beat a POLYGRAPH.

Let me tell you something, I have never stated this, but you idiots refer to me as some moroon, I have a aster and a lwa degree. I simply cannot take the bar because of my stupid past in my 20's. You people do not want to go up against m on education because most of you will lose badly.

No Gordon, if you payed any attention to the antipolygraph videos you would know that the counter measures are rather elementary. You do not need expert training only basic understanding to tell lies undetected. Worse yet innocent people can FAIL the polygraph as many things can trigger the devices such as nervousness, anger or excitement. And compulsive liars who believe their lies can lie undetected as well. Polygraphs are a pseudoscience.

No Gordon, if you payed any attention to the antipolygraph videos you would know that the counter measures are rather elementary. You do not need expert training only basic understanding to tell lies undetected. Worse yet innocent people can FAIL the polygraph as many things can trigger the devices such as nervousness, anger or excitement. And compulsive liars who believe their lies can lie undetected as well. Polygraphs are a pseudoscience.

There is no way to scientifically analyze the mental processes controlling decisions to lie. Maybe one day they will invent a machine that reads minds and acts as a REAL lie detector but science isn't there yet. If you watch the video I linked to a body language expert had more luck detecting lies than the polygraph with all its fancy equipment. Magicians train to read body language. I saw Criss Angel read Oprah to guess a number between 1 and 100. It's not magic it's psychology.

again I tell you to wait til you see the video from my polygraph. What makes you an expert? You cannot even do so calledpsych evaluations correctly. Trust me, I have beat down experts with far more education and training than you.

There was another hint in the MSM about Sinclair's story. On Larry King Live they were discussing the NY times story on McCain. Larry King asked the guest if he thought that the critics would be just as hard on a claim made against Barack Obama. The guest replied that there HAVE been claims made against Obama and were met with equal scorn by the MSM. If Larry passes I think the story will break ASAP. If he fails he's done. Should he pass there will be a media circus over polygraph reliability.

I have given yo nothing but respect. I have told people to do the same and I have even told my own mother to back off of you. If you insist and continuing with your crap, I cannot and will not defend you. I am not telling you you have to believe me, but your BS can and has been refuted by professionals for years now but you fail to include that in your posts.


You got owned by Bruce Burgess. You lost all credibility in that video in my view.

Oh Contrair. While they may not be admissable in criminal court procedings, they are in civil litgation and they are widely used and respected in the elimination of suspects. Get your facts correct before you attempt to take a position with me.
fuck you, I am not going to continue to let you bitches tear me down without a fight. you have a problem with that get the fuck off my youtube page

My problem with Larry is that he's already been exposed as a fraud. The Repubs don't care, as long as they can get the meme circulating and associate Obama with gay sex & cocaine. It's just like the BS about him supposedly being a Muslim - as long as the lie is circulating there will be people who buy it because they won't do the footwork to find out if it's true. That's what the Repubs are counting on - they can't beat Obama on the issues, so they resort to rumor-mongering. Pathetic.

You name one single example where I have been exposed as a fraud. You can't, so shut the fuck up until you can.
We could post more of comments from Larry Sinclair's Youtube thread but we think we've got the gist of Sinclair's comments.

Sinclair claimed he was in Los Angeles, to further "his cause" with the MSM. He also claimed he needed "money" to stay, that he couldn't cash the check he had for $20,000 because it was from a bank back East and that he could "double" or "twofold"the other visitors money if they "helped him out."

"No I am asking my supporters to elp me stay here and get this in the MSM and I am willing to double their investment into this story up to $20,000.00."
We have no idea if anyone took Sinclair up on his offer and we also do not believe someone "hacked" Youtube and posted under Sinclair's nic.

We believe it was the real Larry Sinclair, the man who claims he had sex and illegal drugs back in in 1999 with Senator Barack Obama.

What we would like to know is this: Why did Larry Sinclair pick Senator Obama to smear? There had to have been a reason or reasons Sinclair chose Obama as his victim.

We have a feeling we won't be getting the answer anytime soon.


DBKP - Obama Accuser Fails Polygraphs
Source - Whitehouse.com
Source - Youtube
Image - Hustler

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