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Democrat Is a Moonbat Magnet

The Democrat Convention in Denver, CO, has attracted all the usual suspects--as well as a few suspects readers may not have expected.

DBKP's roving convention correspondent, RidesAPaleHorse, sends in his latest batch of pix from outside the Pepsi Center. Moonbat Central has attracted everyone from "Amnistia" to "Stop the War on Iran"; from "Shut Down Guantanamo" to "Let Ralph (Nader) Debate!" to the "Al Qaeda Fan Club" (sign posted by a few counter-demonstrators, it seems).

They say a picture is worth 1000 a words--and RAPH sent in 14,000 of them.

[ALSO at DBKP: Denver, Dem Nat’l. Convention: Photos Two Days Before the Convention]

[ALSO at DBKP: Pixelaneous Photo Essays Library. Over 50 DBKP Pixelaneous photo collections!]

Carrying the Stars and Stripes makes this lady seem a bit out-of-place among the regular constituencies of the Democrat Party.

by RidesAPaleHorse
images: RAPH